Minute of KVCC meeting

Date and Time:25 March 2024 at 7pm
Location:Kingussie Shinty Clubhouse
Present:Margaret Bentley (MB), Ali Mac Pherson (AM), Kenny Deans (KD), Roderick Andean (RA), Ruaridh Ormiston (RO), Martin Standford (MS), Sandy Maxwell (SM), Cllr Russell Jones (RJ).
Apologies:Janet Kinnaird, Jamie Rogers.
Declaration of Interests:None
Welcome:PC Jamie Emburey, PC Ross Nairne
Adoption of Previous Minutes:Proposed by AM, seconded by MB.

Report from Police Scotland

PC’s Emburey and Ross were welcomed, and introductions were made.

It was agreed they could speak first due to a busy evening schedule. PC Emburey informed us of the geographical area they patrol on a shift which covers all of B&S and up to Aberlour and Furness. Due to the Data Protection Law details of incidents in the area cannot not be elaborated on. The concern is the spate of house break ins around the area, targeting people away and holiday homes, the CID are working on this. Thieves are concentrating on jewellery, money, and small electronics. People require to take responsibility and secure property and belongings and advise was given.

  • Lock all doors and window when leaving your property.
  • Ensure keys are not left in the car, keep locked.
  • Secure any oil tanks and outbuildings.
  • Security lighting is an excellent deterrent it will spook them.
  • Report any suspicious activity to the police.
  • If your home has been burgled, step back don’t walk though, it is a crime scene.

The issue of speeding cars out of the village on the Newtonmore Road before the end of the speed restriction was highlighted by KD. It was suggested that a presence of the camera van could be a deterrent. Action PC Emburey

PC’s Emburey and Ross were thanked for attending, an invite to them to call into Kingussie and visit shinty training or other venues and get to know the area and people.

Matters arising

The Cairngorm Communities Event supported by the CNPA was attended by KD and RO. This networking event was attended by approximately 20 people. The aim was to look at communities sharing and helping each other, as there are many excellent projects being run. A report will be issued.

RO linked into the online Community Partnership Meeting. Community Councils were only represented by RO and one member from Newtonmore Community Council. It was attended mainly by the statutory bodies. The aim was to look at agencies working together to deliver a better service. Main discussion was around welfare and young people’s wellness. Community Action Plan and minutes to be collated.

Highland Broadband were invited to a KVCC meeting but due to members being unavailable this was not possible. A drop-in event was held on the 28th of February at Talla Nan Ros and was open to all to come along and find out more.

Fire Management in the Cairngorm National Park – consultation paper. Discussion with regards to completing a response from KVCC, individuals have responded but it was felt there required to be a response from KVCC, agreement to option 3. Action MB

KD stated that the park rangers continue to have funding and will be offering education to those visiting areas most at risk of fires.

Treasurer’s Report

No report available this evening.


No planning to discuss.

Items of Business

Report from Cllr Jones

Spey Street carpark. The owner of some of the abandoned vehicles has removed them. The council also uplifted one of the vehicles but there is still a vehicle and items left.

The work at the Spey Street junction has started.

Lighting of Ruthven Barracks, survey to be completed, this is ongoing.

Kingussie Camanachd Club Market Stance Floodlights. Now being used by the club. There are inquiries for other groups to use this excellent facility.

The Market Stance, part of Kingussie Common Good Fund. Waiting for Highland Council to undertake a flood risk assessment before a consultation can take place.

Report from Kenny Deans (CNPA member)

Attended the SCOTO conference in Dumfries, this was to discuss tourism in Scotland, showcasing projects.

More beavers were released today at the Insh Marshes.

The Duke of Gordon Hotel is to host the Integrated Land Use Conference on the 28th March. This is being run by the UHI and colleges and will be attended by students, undergraduate and postgraduate students study courses linked to the land and environment. They will be taken to RSBP Insh Marshes and the Kingussie Hydro Project. This event is also being attended by Princess Anne.

Spey Street Junction improvements, hoping that the entrance at the southern of the gardens can be opened further, allowing easier access.

A video was made of the changes and improvements made to the Gynack Gardens, this will be put on the KCDC website.

The tennis club is undertaking an upgrade to the area around the courts and an irrigation system is being put in place.

Report from Sandy Maxwell (KCDC member)

There is to be a celebration and opening of the Creag Bheag path on the 19/04/24. This is to thank all the volunteers who have worked for years on this project. Representatives from the Scottish Mountaineering Trust will also attend. There will be a procession up Craig Bheag from Ardvonie carpark, opening ceremony at the top and back down for refreshments.

Any other paths around the base of Craig Bheag that are disrupted by tree felling would require to be discussed with the estate.

An updated paths leaflet is to be printed.

Glebe Ponds Paving

MB highlighted that the £31,000 received from the Community Generation Fund and a donation from Allan Munro will cover the cost of the paths around the Glebe ponds but not a paved area. The lowest estimate for this is around £8,000 requiring application to KCDC for money plus contribution from KVCC and Pitmain Estate. Due to the cost, it was decided to do a site visit at the next meeting to look at the area and its future function.

SM advised that KCDC are going to strip the boardwalks around the Glebe before work on the paths starts in May. The reclaimed wood is to be used to edge and extend the path at the top of Ardvonie Park. Action KVCC

Lights at the Stance

John Robertson has requested a donation from community group towards the lighting at the Market Stance. It was agreed to Contribute £150. Action MB to speak with LT


The Burrell Fund

This is a legacy of £311,00 gifted to St Vincents Hospital and the people of Kingussie around 2002. The fund is held in NHSH endowments and used for the benefit of patients and locals.

Now St Vincents Hospital is closed NHSH have applied to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) for the money to be used elsewhere in B&S. Ian Moffat has been in contact with NHSH trying to stop this application until a meeting has taken place to discuss appropriate use, this has not been successful.

SM informed the meeting that Ian has now written to OSCR complaining and objecting to the transfer of money.

Man Shed

RO, KD and RJ informed the meeting that the man shed group are look for suitable premises for their club. The janitors house at the school and empty shops on the High Street were suggestions.

Date of next meeting 13/05/24

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