Minute of KVCC meeting
Date and Time: | 12th February 2024 at 7pm |
Location: | Kingussie Shinty Clubhouse |
Present: | Margaret Bentley (MB), Ali MacPherson (AM), Jamie Rodgers (JM), Roderick Andean (RA), Janet Kinnaird (JK), Russell Jones (RJ). |
Apologies: | Martin Stanford, Ruaridh Ormiston, Louise Thomson. |
Declaration of Interests: | None |
Welcome: | Kenny Deans in his capacity of Board Member for CNPA. |
Adoption of Previous Minutes: | Proposed by RA, Seconded by AM. |
Treasurer’s Report (LT)
JK reported that there is currently £11403.39 with funds from Christmas still to be added.
CNPA Call-In Notification – 2024/0005/DET (23/05974/FUL)
This matter raised extensive discussion on current housing needs, housing density on the site, water management and traffic issues. It concluded with the meeting supporting the application. Action JK
Police Report (JE)
Apologies given.
Copy of report sent to members. All members had previously reviewed the report. RJ suggested that our Community Liaison Officer could be invited to local events such as coffee mornings etc. KVCC will look and see what is up and coming. Proposed by RA, Seconded by AM.
Matters Arising
Highland Community Partnership e mails
JK shared the latest info from Highland Community partnerships. It is hoped that someone from the organisation will attend a meeting.
Sister City Relationships
As a starting point this information should be passed on to the local Primary school and Kingussie High School. Action JK
Ultrafast Broadband.
Claudette Bruce to be invited to next meeting. Action JK
Scoto Survey
Any member of KVCC can complete the survey and it has been posted on the Facebook page.
E mail from Badenoch Community Group
It was agreed that KVCC will submit the application for the Wolf of Badenoch following the consultation period in March. A clearer image of the proposed statue would be helpful. Action JK
Dog Fine Signs
Following a request from the gardeners re dog fouling in the Gynack Gardens there are now notices re fines on the gates and the fence.
CNPA Fire Management
KVCC received a copy of the consultation paper on fire management issues in the National Park. KVCC will respond as individuals and post the link on Facebook.
Sustrans Newtonmore Road
The meeting discussed this proposed improvement plan. KVCC is very much in favour of this improvement and are happy to give their support. Action JK
Items of Business
Report from Cllr Jones
The Market Stance is part of the Kingussie Common Good Fund. It is currently underused as a market and has potential for other uses such as housing or whatever the community might consider to be the best use. Highland Council are to undertake a flood risk assessment soon. A consultation will then be held, and councillors will be guided by the outcome. Any financial gain from the land will be lodged in the Kingussie Common Good Fund.
RJ has been trying to find a way forward with the lights at Ruthven Barracks. He is working with John Allen from HC on this. There is money available in various funds which could pay for this as a community project.
While the Police Report is very welcome RJ suggested that asking our community Liaison Officer to local event would be a good idea.
The Public Toilets are currently closed because of vandalism. RJ suggested holding a public meeting (to include community groups, Police, KHS, Debbie Sutton, KCDC and KVCC) to find a solution. The meeting agrees. Action RJ
There are currently no plans to enforce the 20mph in Kingussie however the Police are doing great work enforcing speed limits on the A9.
Spey Street car park still has a number of abandoned vehicles. Shane Manning (SM)has been contacted several times by RJ and still no action has been taken. KVCC will write to SM requesting action be taken and to establish if KVCC can have the vehicles legally removed. Action JK
Report from Kenny Deans
KD attended as member for CNPA. He explained that his brief is about People and Place. He outlined the Lottery Heritage Horizons Project and although much of the funding is already allocated there will be funds for community projects. Kingussie’s Community plan now requires to be updated and that is something KVCC should be thinking about.
Christmas Eve Review
- The event raised £373.79 plus £45 from card machines.
- For this year there are several things to work on.
- Lighting at the top end of the gardens, A run of lighting along the raised seating area and lit bollards to rope off the route for the reindeer.
- A greater number of marshals and helpers with the mulled wine. Wine heated in the Duke.
- Discuss with the Duke the option of sharing the event.
- Improved information from the MC re safety, dogs etc.
- Pre event briefing.
KCDC and paths update
SM (unavailable)
Glebe Ponds
JK was delighted to inform the group that the Pond Project has been awarded a little over £31000 to improve the paths. RJ said The Shinty Club were awarded funding for lighting and KD reported the tennis club has received funding for a sprinkler system. All the funding has come from the Community Regeneration Fund.
Date of next meeting TBC