Minute of KVCC meeting
Date and Time: | Monday 8 May 2023 at 6.30pm |
Location: | Kingussie Shinty Rooms |
Present: | Ruaridh Ormiston (RO), Margaret Bentley (MB), Martin Stanford (MS), Jamie Rodgers (JR), Janet Kinnaird (JK), Cllr Russell Jones (RJ), Sandy Maxwell (SM). |
Apologies: | Louise Thomson, Jamie Emburey (JE). |
Declaration of Interests: | RJ |
Welcome: | Angus Blackstock (AB), John Blackstock (JB). |
Adoption of Previous Minutes: | Proposed MB seconded JR |
RO asked that the business of the meeting could begin with planning to allow AB and JB not to sit through other items. The meeting agreed.
Planning Report
Railway Bridge
It has been brought to the notice of KVCC via the Blackstock family of Railway House, Kingussie that Network Rail has submitted two applications to Highland Council (HC):
23/01607/LBC | Installation of footbridge with associated lifts and removal of existing footbridge | Kingussie Railway Station Ruthven Road Kingussie PH21 1EN, and
23/01753/PNO | Erection of accessible bridge | Kingussie Railway Station Ruthven Road Kingussie PH21 1EN.
The Blackstock family explained that this new structure is to be built less than 2 metres of their front door on a platform that currently does not exist. The first notice that they received was via information in the Badenoch and Strathspey Herald. They have expressed objections to the planners and have received conflicting responses re withdrawals of applications etc. This issue was discussed at length by the meeting and it was decided that a letter is to be written opposing this development at this location to a number of sources ranging from Highland Council to MPs and MSPs. Action JK
RO thanked AB and JB for attending the meeting and extended condolences on behalf of the meeting at the recent death of their father.
Blocked Access
The issue of blocked access to the A9 from near Ruthven has now been resolved.
Treasurer’s Report
LT provided a written report
The balance in the bank currently stands at £22,094.43. This includes the residual money from the Ward Discretionary Fund ,£1828.38,for the Glebe and £9779 from the Nature Restoration Fund.
Police Report (provided by email)
Kingussie April/May 2023
Apologies but I will be unable to attend this evening’s meeting as I am on early shift and finish at 1500 today.
Please see below a review of the Kingussie area from 21st March 2023 to May 7th.
March 21st to 31st 2023
Police Incidents in Kingussie from the following categories:
Road Traffic Matters x 5
Theft by Housebreaking x1
April 2023
Police Incidents in Kingussie from the following categories:
Road Traffic Matters x 7
Assault x 2
Theft x 1
Wildlife x 2
Cybercrime x 1
Concern for person x 1
Damage/Vandalism x 1
May 1st to 7th 2023
Road Traffic Matters x 3
Assist Public/Advisory Calls x 1
Wildlife x 1
If you have any queries regarding matters that are affecting your community that you feel I may be able to assist with then please feel free to contact me through Janet Kinnaird KVCC Secretary.
CPNA Report
Highland Council Report
There are new white lines in place in the town with some awaiting completion. The pothole which develops regularly at the corner of Ruthven Road is to be fully inspected and a thorough repair carried out.RJ is to request funding form the Timber Fund to help pay for this. The Silverfjord/Spey Street /Ruthven Road junction works was scheduled to take place but there is a hold up with the SUSTRANS funding. SM mentioned at his point that the Newtonmore Road cycle junction had been knocked out of this round of SUSTRANS funding.
The public toilets in Kingussie have been subjected to some vandalism. The response from (HC)was that they were to be locked. RJ went to have a look and the damage was not that described to the Amenities Officer. The toilets will remain open and the Head Teacher is going to raise the issue of vandalism with S1-3 at an assembly. In the meantime CCTV will be installed.
RJ had visited Kingussie Primary School (KPS) and was surprised at the fabric of the building. He had a return visit with members of KCDC and all agreed that upgrades are long overdue. KPS is not on any HC list for upgrades. RJ is to have a meeting with Robert Campbell and get the ball rolling. With the aim to get HC to commit to as much as possible . There is also an opportunity for a fund raising event(s) to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the school. A new Head Teacher has been appointed and will start in August. RJ was very complimentary about the work done by the current Head Teacher. He was keen that as well as KPS being seen in the community the community should be seen as part of the school.
Work will be starting in June to install lighting at the Indian war memorial.
KCDC Report
SM reported that the AECOM active travel plan originally commissioned in 2018 is now being updated. This is funded by CNPA. Paths work continues with a helicopter lift of 100tons of materials to the summit south side path of Creag Bheag. Some will also be used for the golf course paths . There was a gap in funding for this lift which has been filled by CNPA and KCDC.
Matters Arising
Christmas reindeer update JK
At the moment it is not possible to bring the time forward but the event is booked.
Theatre Performance
KPS celebrated the King’s Coronation with a theatre performance on the 4th May by Shoogalie Road. A thank you was posted on the KPS Facebook page.
Items of Business
Glebe ponds (JK)
Work has started to remove non-native trees and brush and a general tidy up of the woodland at the Glebe Ponds. This week is the Big Clean Up when the community has been invited to come along and remove rubbish ,prepare ground for wild flowers and begin the on site work . JK was pleased to share that the first instalment of the Nature Restoration Fund is in the bank. Three contractors have been to assess the paths . RO suggested a local contractor Simon Leslie. JK to contact him. Action JK
Clock Tower
No further information
Tents and Speakers (MS)
MS reported that KVCC has been successful in its applications to the Hydro funds for the cost of gazebos and speaker system. It was agreed that storage would be with RO. It was also agreed that a short contract be drawn up for potential users and a donation paid for the use of the equipment. RO thanked MS for his work.
- VABS Survey JK to forward to MS for completion. Action MS and JK
- ZOOM the Zoom account is due for renewal. The meeting decided against renewal. Unless VABS pays for it. Action JK
- BASMA a news letter will be forwarded by JK Action JK
Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be the AGM on June 26th.