KVCC Annual General Meeting

Monday 10th

Talla Nan Ros at 7pm


Present: Ruaridh Ormiston (RO), Ali MacPherson (AM), Rod Andean (RA), Martin Sandford (MS), Janet Kinnaird (JK), Russell Jones (RJ), Ian Moffett (IM) Jinty Moffett (JM).

Apologies: Margaret Bentley (MB), Jamie Rogers (JR).

Declaration of Interests: None

Adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM

Chairperson’s Annual Report

RO welcomed everyone to the meeting. A lot has taken place since the last AGM. KVCC has completed another busy and successful year.

In November Dan Harris from CNPA attended a meeting. The purpose being to share how Local Community Action Plans and Place Plans influence the CNPA Plan. Consultation will take place across a range of stake holders including schools.

In June KVCC lead on the planting of the flowers in the Gynack Gardens.

The first major event supported by KVCC was the Christmas Lunch in the Duke of Gordon Hotel. KVCC made a financial donation for the event to go ahead. The money was sourced from the now defunct festivities fund. The Christmas theme continued with the Reindeer and Santa Parade led by the Pipe Band thro’ the Gynack Gardens on Christmas Eve. Despite the very windy weather there was a very good turnout. The gazebos were not used. However RO provided a horse lorry and mulled wine was served from there. Although this is an expensive event the sale of mulled wine and donations from attendees helps to offset it. Festivities continued with fireworks and the dance at the stance supported by KVCC.

In the spring KVCC was delighted to donate £150 towards the new lighting overlooking the car park at the Market Stance. This will be safer for everyone whether parking for training or attending other events.

The work at the Glebe Ponds is drawing to a finish. This year KVCC has been successful in applying for funds to update the path network. Funding was received for this from Highland Council Community Regeneration Fund, CNPA and Allan Munro &Co.

KVCC has also dealt with several planning applications this year, particularly for short term lets.

RO thanked all members of KVCC for their work and input to the community this year. Kingussie is very fortunate to have so many organisations working on behalf of everyone in the town.

Questions from the floor

No Questions

Treasurer’s submission of the Financial Statement

A statement could not be presented tonight however it will be forthcoming and independently examined and certified by the next meeting.

Questions from the floor.

No Questions

Adoption of Financial Statement.

(at next meeting)

Demit of Current office bearers

Election of Office Bearers

Chairman RO proposed by RA Seconded by AM

V Chairperson MB proposed by RO seconded by RA

Treasurer MS proposed by RO seconded by AM

Secretary JK proposed by RO Seconded by MS

IM thanked the Chair and members of the council for their work throughout the year.

Chairperson to close the meeting and declare a provisional date for the next AGM

AGM 9th June 2025

(To be followed by a brief meeting of the community council.)

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