Minute of KVCC meeting

Date and Time:9th September 2024 at 7pm
Location:Kingussie Shinty Clubhouse
Present:Ruaridh Ormiston (RO), Janet Kinnaird (JK ), Martin Stanford (MS), Russell Jones (RJ), Sandy Maxwell (SM)
Apologies:Margaret Bentley, Ali MacPherson, Jamie Rodgers.
Declaration of Interests:None
Welcome:Lynn Sutherland, Russell Bowles
Adoption of Previous Minutes:Previous minutes to be carried to next meeting.

RO pointed out that due to absences the meeting was not, in fact, quorate, but the meeting would proceed as a discussion without any decisions being taken.

Treasurers Report

All accounts have now been transferred to MS except for his address which ought to happen soon. Where possible all accounts are up to date with the current balance standing at £10865.81. The money from the festivities group is currently in the Shinty account but it is expected to be transferred to KVCC and still ring fenced for its original purpose.

Planning Report

Lyn Sutherland (LS)had come for advice on a recent planning application. RJ intimated that he could not comment on individual applications following. Suggestion was made that LS contact David Mudie at Highland Council Planning. JK said that objections had been lodged with planning re recent short term let applications as discussed at the previous meeting.

JK informed the meeting that the new Bennett Road spelling error has been corrected and new signage in place. She had already contacted KVCC re this matter and everyone agreed to the change.

Police Report

No response to emails.

Matters Arising

KVCC had contacted several MSPs re limited access for those with disabilities at Kingussie Station with very little in the way of useful response. KVCC will write to Emma Roddick to ask if she can contact press Network Rail on a timescale for a new bridge and essential maintenance on the current bridge.

The tents have had a lot of use during the summer. MS is working with Gus Mitchell on an online booking calendar for them. At the next meeting a deposit and pricing plan for hire out with community groups will be discuss.

Items of Business

Report Cllr Jones

RJ reiterated that short planning applications of houses up to and including three bedrooms would most likely not receive a favourable response. He will continue to press the relevant parties to clear the abandoned cars for the Spey Street Carpark and have the drains cleared out.

RJ said that financially for projects and the council in general there are challenging times ahead.

Kenny Deans CNPA

Kenny reported that a survey for the next Local Plan for CNPA is now online and as many groups and individuals as possible should be encouraged to complete it. He agreed with RJ that funds will be in short supply with the recent Scottish Government claw back

New Member

RO welcomed Russell Bowles (RB) to the meeting as a potential new coopted member. RB came to Kingussie 4 12 years ago and has volunteered with KVCC in the Gynack Gardens and the Glebe Ponds.


SM reminded the meeting that the AGM will be in November. Path works continues apace to the benefit of all. Two new notice boards in Ardvonie Carpark have been refurbished with support from Russwood and are now ready for local businesses to advertise on the. KCDC is leading on the Burrell fund.


JK said that although it was only September, we should be coming to the next meeting with ideas of exactly what needs to be done and by whom this year. Aim to have most of it in place at the next meeting.


RJ asked if we could have a meeting re Hogmanay before the end of September/ SM asked about the future of St Vincent’s and the current vandalism. RJ will follow up.

Date of Next Meeting 14th October

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