Minute of KVCC meeting

Date and Time:Monday, 14th October 24 at 7pm
Location:Meeting Room Caberfeidh Horizons
Present:Ruaraidh Ormiston (R0), Margaret Bentley (MB), Martin Stanford (MS),
Jamie Rodgers (JR), Janet Kinnaird (JK), Ian Moffett (IM), Kenny Deans (KD), Ali MacPherson (AM), Gus Mitchell (GM), Sandy Maxwell (SM), Rod Andean (RA), Russell Jones (RJ).
Apologies:Russell Bowles (RB)
Declaration of Interests:None
Adoption of Previous Minutes:Minutes of previous meeting (May 2024) proposed by JK seconded by MS

Treasurer’s Report

MS now has a draft set of accounts. There are a few invoices to be reconciled and then the accounts can be verified and checked. MB to contact Peter Munro. Current balance sits at £16,793.

Planning Report

No new applications had come in since the last meeting. Pitmain Beag has been given permission for the extension. JK has received a letter from ST licences explaining the nature of ST licences.

Police Report

Shared with meeting. MB mentioned that while it is nice to have the report it would be better if there was someone to explain it. There is no mention of the toilets in Kingussie.

CPNA Report

KD reported that there will be a pop-in event with CNPA staff at the Iona gallery on 29/10 from 2-7pm. New beaver families have been introduced in the area. There is extensive monitoring taking place. Two new rangers have been allocated to the new beaver release sites.

Highland Council Report

Toilets. HC policy is now to close toilets for a month following any vandalism. CCTV installed by HC would cost in the region of £3000. RJ to ask HC if the community could fund CCTV at a better price point.

The new residents will shortly be moving to the new builds at the north end of the town.

RJ has requested a meeting at the Spey Street with parking and amenities to have new parking bays painted and the lakes drained.

KCDC Report

SM reported that a meeting had been held with CNPA re the extension of the cycle path from Newtonmore. CNPA are expressing interest in furthering the project. The role of KCDC will be the contact between the park and the community. The Park would take on discussions with SEPA and search for funding. This is no longer a Sustrans project CNPA will produce a memorandum of intent.

Matters Arising

Response re Railway bridge replacement JK Emma Roddick is very keen to help push forward the new bridge.

Items of Business

Co-opted members

MB said that although RO was unable to attend the meeting, we look forward to welcoming him to KVCC

Update on website and gazebo booking system

MS and GM (KCDC) have been updating and improving the website. GM demonstrated the new site. MS has added a booking system for tents and sound system as well as a pricing structure for groups out with KVCC Individuals can also hire the equipment at a price. Photos and a brief bio of KVCC members should be with Martin by the end of the week. Action All KVCC

Christmas Plans

MB reviewed out comments following the Christmas Eve event last year. A list of jobs and who will do them has been compiled and sent out separately.  Action JK


There will be a meeting in preparation for Hogmanay this Thursday RO to attend. Action RO


The issue with the Burrell Fund is ongoing. OSCR has approved the NHSH Trust application. KVCC is to ask what the money will now be used for and what consultation will be held with the community. We would like to see a list of possible capital projects. Can we suggest projects eg the men’s shed? 

Copy to Kate Forbes. Action JK

Update from Community Action Plan

JK said the meeting last week had been very positive. The group had a look at Nethy’s plan and have now produced their own timeline for the start of the process. KCDC will organise a letter drop to each household in the town. The timeline going forward is

  • Survey to go live online (Survey Monkey) on Saturday 26th October via QR code and online link.
  • Printed survey to be delivered to Sandy for distribution network on Sunday 27th October. Distribution to all households in the KVCC area over the following week.
  • Closing date for survey is end of Sunday 17th November.
  • Kingussie’s Big Conversation (BC) will be at Talla on Friday 29th (12.00 to 19.00) and Saturday 30th November (09.30 to 12.00). Volunteer rota for this event will be circulated for everyone to sign up for a slot on one of these 2 days.
  • VABS will provide 24 x A4 posters (of which 6(?) laminated to go on lampposts) and 10 x A3 (all unlaminated). Members of the group will get these up in all suitable locations.
  • VABS will provide same poster in suitable formats for use on the community website and social media sites.
  • VABS will provide 4 boxes where people can post back their filled paper surveys (and collect another paper copy if needed). These will be placed at the PO, Chemist, Badenoch Centre, CH Bookshop (members of group to establish that these 4 venues will accept boxes please. Can you let me know that is the case so I can print that info onto the survey. Thanks.)
  • VABS will work with Kingussie Primary and KHS to get Kingussie pupils to complete the survey.
  • Members of the group will help encourage survey completing at the Film Club (Nick), Parent & Toddler (Robert), Wade Centre(?), The Star and DoG hotels for their employees(?).
  • VABS will write up all the information from the surveys and input from the BC into a draft report which will be circulated back to the group for sign off, prior to going into the public domain, publishing on websites etc. as Kingussie’s CAP 2024.

Clock Tower

Lighting up the Clock Tower 21st October -11th November -who can do the gels? Action JR


New roadside fencing being started at the Shinty Club.

Bowling Club are now hoping to buy their grounds.

Badenoch Men’s Shed are looking at the Old Telephone Exchange.

Date of Next meeting 11/11/24

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