Minute of KVCC meeting

Date and Time:6 January 2020 at 7pm
Location:Iona Gallery
Present:Moira Thomson (MT), Neill Reid (NR), Jon Bailey (JB), Liz Duncan (LD), Billy Munro (BM), Janet Kinnaird (JK).
Declaration of Interests:None
Adoption of Previous Minutes:

1. The first meeting of KVCC was opened and all members welcomed by MT.

2. Fencing for Jubilee Path.Tender to be advertised on Kingussie FB page and Aviemore FB page. Action JK to organise

3. Financial report:

  • JB informed the meeting that he was awaiting the paperwork for new signatories to be completed by the bank and building society. The balance of accounts currently stands at a total of £15936.01.
  • An invoice has been received from Kingussie Business Forum (KBF) re payment of flowers for hanging baskets. MT informed the meeting that last year KBF had asked for a contribution of £500 from KVCC and that request had been rejected. After discussion it was agreed that KBF be offered £150 . Although the bank account is currently healthy the only income is a grant of £500 from Highland council. In previous years KVCC has received a payment of £500 from Pitmain Estate for the flowers but this is no longer the case. Actions JK to inform KBF on behalf of KVCC. JB to send cheque
  • Contribution to Hogmany Celebrations. The meeting congratulated all groups in the town for coming together to support a very successful Hogmany celebration. After a brief discussion the meeting agreed to give a donation of £432 (the cost of the Public Entertainment Licence) to the organising group. Proposed by JK and seconded by NR. Action JB to send contribution as agreed

4. Co-opted members. Gayle Borthwick has been proposed as a co-opted Member. Anyone wishing to be co-opted should contact the secretary: kvcc-secrretary@outlook.com Action names to secretary by 1/2/2020

5. Community Police Officer was unable to attend this meeting. MT informed those present that incidences of drug taking have been brought to her attention. Action Agenda for next meeting

6. Venues for meetings. Members prosed various venues for future meetings. NR proposed the Shinty Boardroom and this was seconded by MT and agreed by the meeting. Action NR to book meeting room.

7. VCC Projects: The first project to be undertaken is improvement of the bins. MT is to lead on this project and approach Liz Cowie ward manager. Action MT to report back to next meeting

8 New street name. There were a number of suggestions for a name. The following were chosen with a suitable ending 1.Bennet, 2.Sandy’s Raitt’s. Action JK to inform Liz Cowie


  • BM reported back that no further progress has been made re a skate park.
  • JK reported that new RSPB manager is keen to address the meeting. Action to invite her to next meeting.
  • JK reported concerns from unnamed person re Tromie Bridge and poor condition of roads to Drumguish. Action JK to pass information to Kincraig VCC via Deirdre Falconer
  • Jon raised the issue of the cycle track from Kingussie to Newtonmore. He and some others have come off their bikes on a particular section. Action JK to ask Robert about this

In terms of updates, there have been 7 incidents reported for Kingussie / Kincraig from 01/12/19 to 05/01/20 that have been logged as offences (excluding road traffic matters). Of these, 2 have been investigated and closed as no crime. Another was minor disorder concerning High School pupils which has been detected and resolved by means of a formal police warning, the remaining 4 offences are theft related. Of these, 2 incidents have suspects identified, (one of whom is on remand in prison and has been charged with numerous previous theft offences in Kingussie and Aviemore) one was an attempted housebreaking where no entry was gained and is still under investigation, the other is also ongoing but may be found to be a civil matter over property contested in a will.

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