Minute of KVCC meeting

Date and Time:Monday, 20 March 2023.
Present:Margaret Bentley(MB), Sandy Maxwell(SM), Louise Thomson (LT), Martin Stanford (MS), Janet KinnaIrd (JK).
Apologies:Russell Jones, Ruaridh Ormiston, Jamie Rogers.
Declaration of Interests:None
Adoption of Previous Minutes:Proposed JK Seconded MS

Treasurer’s Report

The current bank balance stands at £12824.43. The previous accounts are not quite completed as yet. Unfortunately this has been going on since the last AGM, mainly due to the messy procedure to transfer the accounts by the bank. LT feels sure it will all be up to date shortly.

Planning Report

Planning at the time of viewing contains no applications on which we would comment.

Police Report (by email)

Police Report Kingussie February/March 2023


Apologies but I will be unable to sign into a Zoom Meeting as our work computers don’t allow access to that particular platform. I am also as usual the only deployable unit on my shift so will likely be at calls/incidents. However we have a new colleague joining our shift in Aviemore so that might free me up for your meetings in the future.

Please see below a review of the Kingussie are from 1st February to 18th March 2023.

February 2023

Police Incidents in Kingussie from the following categories:

Wildlife x 2

Road Traffic Matters x 7

Children/Youths x 2

Railway Issues x 1

Alarm Activation x 1

Cyber Crime x 1

Assist Public/Advisory Calls x 5

The majority of issues in the town for February were Road Traffic related incidents due to the poor weather/road conditions.

To the 20th March 2023

Police Incidents in Kingussie from the following categories:

Road Traffic Matters x 5

Fraud x 1

Communication x 1

Assist Public/Advisory Calls x 3

Intoxicated Male x 1

Domestic x 1

The majority of issues in the town for March were Road Traffic related incidents again due to the poor weather/road conditions at the start of the month.

If you have any queries regarding matters that are affecting your community that you feel I may be able to assist with then please feel free to contact me through Janet Kinnaird KVCC

CPNA Report

Highland Council Report

RJ was unable to attend due to another meeting and a change of date by KVCC. He is happy to help with any concerns.

KCDC Report

SM a reported that the KCDC newsletter was at the printer. There will be a separate insert letter for those living by the community woodland re trees, paths and the dumping of garden rubbish.

Matters Arising

Cost of Living Support Fund

JK reported that/the above fund is now closed and monies awarded.

Update on Christmas discussion and KBF

RO was not present however the meeting agreed to the reindeer for next Christmas and also the pipe band. Action JK. MB to contact Sandy MacDonnell Action MB

Water top up point letter

The meeting agreed that a water top up point would be an excellent addition to the town with the suggested place being by the bike shelter at Gynack Gardens if possible. A letter to Yourwater. Action JK

Items of Business

Glebe Ponds update.

KVCC has now received the full amount applied for to the Nature Restoration Fund. the project must commence by 31st March. MB reported that she and Ali McKnight (AM) have already met with Graeme Leggett to discuss the removal of non native and exotic species. The project is just awaiting the quote. MB and AM will be meeting with Marco Bardelli Transport Scotland and Graeme Wheatley Bear Scotland to find out what support they can give to the project in terms of improving water quality.

Clock Tower Update.

JK has had no response from Alex Ryback as yet and messaged the Ward Manager . Alan MacBean I’df property services is going to investigate further.

Tents,Speakers and Funding

MS is pursuing the funding for the above from KCDC. Just awaiting some pieces of information to complete the application. the meeting agreed to split the grant application for the tens and the speaker.

Coronation Event

JK has been in contact with the theatre company and the cost will be as last year, £450. The meeting agreed to pay. After further discussion it was agreed that the theatre production would spur contribution to the Coronation. JK had mentioned the coffee morning idea to the Head Teacher and she thought it was do-able .


Christmas Reindeer

JK to book the reindeer and band but to try and get more accurate timings.

Action JK

Wreaths for Remembrance

JK had received an email from Ian Moffat suggesting that for next year there should be a wreath at the War Memorial from groups who wished to lay one and a single one at the Indian Memorial on behalf of Kingussie. this was agreed to be a better option due to expense

Wild flower meadow

KVCC had received an e mail (shared) from Rachel Avery re the ongoing plans for wild flowers in Ardvonie Park.

VABS Meeting

MS had attended the VABS meeting for community councils on 16th March. the following was discussed.

Neil McIver (NM)Community Police Officer mentioned that CPOs should be contacting communities prior to and after meetings. The will be an increase in CPOs shortly

CNPA hard of planning was in attendance and was keen to have more planning training for community councils

Car parking charges – no time line.

VABS are suggesting a closed Fave Book page for community councils

Cost of road closures for events. (NM) suggested that rolling closures might be better as they are cheaper.

VABS are challenged by the cost of these meetings.

KVCC website

Gus Mitchell has been working on a web page for us. The meeting thanked Gus and KCDC

Date of next meeting

MB thanked everyone for their attendance and work.

April 10th at 7pm.

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