Minute of KVCC meeting

Date and Time:9th December 2024
Present:Margaret Bentley (MB), Ali MacPherson (AM), Janet Kinnaird (JK), Russell Bowles (RB), Ken Deans (KD), Martin Stanford (MS), Sandy Maxwell (SM), Russell Jones (RJ)
Apologies:Jamie Rodgers
Declaration of Interests:None
Welcome:Alice Fogg (AF)
Adoption of Previous Minutes:Proposed SM, seconded JK

Treasurer’s Report

MS reported that the accounts for last year have now been signed off by Peter Munro, who is willing to do an audit for next year. The reindeer for this year are paid and the current bank total stands at £15519.50. Some of this money is ring fenced for the Glebe Ponds. The meeting agreed to publish the accounts on the web page.

Planning Report

JK has now handed over Planning to RA who is not available tonight. There is one short term let application with Highland Council. After a brief discussion it was agreed to lodge an objection. Action JK

Police Report


CPNA Report

KD was glad the CAP meetings had been a success and the outcomes would help inform the CNPA development Plan. He referred to the Newtonmore Cycleway project. Work is ongoing with Beau Mansell of CNPA to move the project forward.

Highland Council Report

RJ informed the meeting that KCDC and Cycle Friendly Kingussie have been working for some time with Highland Council on improving the route from the Market Stance out to Ruthven. This will now become a “quiet route “with new signage and lowered speed limit. The speed limit can be reviewed in a year. The Spey Street Carpark is now clear of water and the amenities team is clearing and pruning trees to improve the space. Signage will be erected to remind people that parking is for a maximum of 24 hrs. The parking enforcement team will be coming down to check on vehicles. RJ had a meeting last week regarding the lights at Ruthven Barrack, with the lighting team and Historic Environment Scotland to formulate a plan for lighting the Barracks.

There will be a new defib at the junction of Dunbarry and Hillside Ave.

The Christmas Dinner is almost fully booked for 72 plus takeaways.

The plans for Hogmanay are now in place and posters circulated. 

Kingussie has received £38000 funding allocated form Holyrood for playpark improvements. It was agreed that the all abilities swing in Ardvonie should be replaced and the balance of the funding be used up at Dunbarry. RB suggested a car boot sale as a fund-raising option.

KCDC Report

SM informed the meeting that KCDC held an AGM last week with a very good attendance. Three new directors will be coming on to the board with one stepping down. The new Chair will be Catriona Morrison. Groups which  received funding this past year gave presentations on how  the money was spent. The paths group are still going strong with the work on Witch’s Hill complete. Work will now take place lower down for example on the steps from West Terrace to the Newtonmore Road. 

Matters Arising

Burrell Fund

Margaret Bentley, Mary Anderson and Ian Moffett had a meeting with Kate Forbes MSP re the fund. Kate Forbes via her PA will arrange a meeting with head of NHS Highland on this subject. Mary Anderson brought up the issue of VAT on pads for the defibrillators. Kate Forbes suggested this would have to be pursued with the Westminster Treasury.

Items of Business


Alice Fogg will take over as chief officer of VABS in March 2025. She is currently meeting all community council in Badenoch and Stratspey. In future she will be able to offer support to Community Council’s, particularly in term of financing, banking and governance.

Heledd Cooper

JK reported that there had been no response to a recent letter to Heledd Cooper. It was agreed another would be sent. Action JK

Community Action Plan

JK thanked all those who took part in the events and the volunteers. AF shared that there had been just over 200 responses to the questionnaires and 86 attended over the two days. The demographic response to the questionnaire was slightly older. The youth priorities were clear to see with new faces offering to volunteer. AF will prepare a press draft of the action plan. Maps for the plan will come from CNPA and the outcome will be published in February. A team will then be formed to take forward the actions of the plan. AF is happy to help with driving the plan forward. The aim being to get the easy wins done first and then make as tat on the bigger actions. RJ raised the issue of a resilience plan for the community and AF is happy to support with that.

Christmas Plans

JK shared a Who /What list for Christmas Eve. She will send it out with the minutes.


RB raised the issue of the recent dog incident in Kingussie which fortunately was recorded on CCTV. His main concern was that this dog might actually also hurt a child.Action has been taken by the dog warden under Dog Control Legislation. Data protection excludes anyone knowing what the action is. KVCC to write to the warden for reassurance that the action taken will help to keep members of the community safe. Action JK

MB thanked everyone for their attendance and input.

Date of Next meeting is 13th January 2025

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