Minute of KVCC meeting
Date and Time: | Monday, 11th November at 7pm |
Location: | Badenoch Centre (Upstairs) |
Present: | Ruaridh Ormiston (RO), Margaret Bentley (MB), Martin Stanford (MS), Janet Kinnaird (JK), Ian Moffett (IM), Kenny Deans (KD), Sandy Maxwell (SM), Russell Jones (RJ), Rod Andean (RA), Cat Morrison (CT). |
Apologies: | Proposed |
Declaration of Interests: | None |
Welcome: | None |
Adoption of Previous Minutes: | Proposed JK, Seconded MS. |
Treasurer’s Report
MS has met with Peter Munro (PM) who is happy with the accounts and will certify them shortly. PM will do this for another year. Funds currently stand at £16469.50. MS received a letter regarding changes to our account, now a community account with monthly charges of £4.25.
Planning Report
JK said that a planning application for Short Term Let which KVCC had objected to is now going to appeal. RA will now take on the planning aspect.
Police Report
No report available
CPNA Report
KD informed the meeting that there was a recent drop-in session at the Iona Gallery to meet members of CNPA. KD wondered if this was a positive thing. RO felt not from a farming point of view however there is not currently a farming focused employee in post. JK suggested that CNPA coming into communities would be positive. The Youth LAG fund is now closed although applications had been made from KHS.
Highland Council Report
RJ wanted to make the meeting aware that there are 4 months left for claiming ward discretionary grants. The Spey Street carpark has, after many requests, now had the drains cleaned. He reported that after speaking to the police if CCTV is fitted at the public toilets the Police will follow up should any further vandalism occur. Once a price for CCTV is known an application will be made to the Ward Discretionary Fund for financial support. RJ is to have a meeting with Neil Fraser and a member of Historic Environment Scotland regarding getting the lights back on at Ruthven Barracks. Two new defibrillators are to be installed in Kingussie. The new fence at the Market Stance pitch is going up.
KCDC Report
SM informed the meeting that the KCDC AGM will be held on 4/12 in the Iona Gallery. There are at least two new applicants to become directors. The paths group are currently departing from the core paths. The next project is Witches Hill. To date there have only been 76 returns to the Community Action Plan survey.
Matters Arising
Burrell Fund
JK stated that a letter has been sent to Heledd Cooper and Kate Forbes MSP regarding the future community consultation of the Burrell Fund. No response to date from either. If no response in a week a follow up letter will be sent (Action JK).
Railway Bridge
JK updated the meeting that Emma Roddick MSP has given Ryan Savage and Matt Powell of Network Rail contact details for KVCC regarding the new crossing at the railway station. No contact to date.
Items of Business
Glebe Ponds
JK informed the meeting that the paving planned for Autumn has now been pushed back to the Spring. RB wondered if we could lift the netting on the remaining boardwalk.
New Web Page
MS informed the meeting that the new KVCC new web page is up and running. We need to keep sending posts to Martin for it. An introductory statement on the role of the community council would be great. In future he will try to link our web page and Facebook page. If you haven’t sent in your picture and bio could you kindly do so. Martin and the members of KVCC would like to thank Gus Mitchell for all his work on the web page.
MB reviewed what has been done and what requires to be done for the Christmas Eve Event. RA has organised lighting and will liaise with Gilmore Strang. Marshalls are vital. Men’s Shed to be asked to provide a few (Action JK). JK will put together a list of who and what. RO explained the tractor rally which everyone agreed would be a great addition on the night (Action JK).
RB raised a concern about new SSEN overhead cables and connection to the grid. After some discussion it was felt that the connection would be going to Tomatin and it was not something we could influence until a planning application came forward.
RA made us aware that the Christmas Lights Group will require funding going forward. There is enough money for this year but like everything else costs are escalating. CM suggested investigating an umbrella insurance option for the whole community.
MB thanked everyone for attending.
Date of Next meeting 9th December 2024